I also received the thinking blogger award from verns. Thanks verns. Although I would have to refute this award because my blog is where turn to and just have fun without having to think. Ahehehe...just look at my previous post and you'll see why.
I'm supposed to give out these awards but since this post is already way overdue, I guess I will have to award these to you, my blog reader/s (so you won't think I'm presumptuous in thinking there's more than one of you....hahaha) for bearing with me especially during those times I wanted to quit blogging due to personal problems. Thank you to all my blog friends. You all deserve this award.
Finally, I got tagged by momoftwo. I'm supposed to mention 8 random things about me which I haven't yet revealed in my posts. Hmmm...it's a tough task but I'll try.
1. I'm a late-bloomer. I had my first
2. I have a sister who's 10 years older than me. Yes, quite a big age difference noh? My parents were not planning on having another child after my sister, but one night they had a misunderstanding, and the rest, as they say, is history.
3. I have the attention span of a 4-year old. Sometimes, 3 minutes into the homily, I would ask my husband what the priest is talking about. I don't know how I was able to survive law school.
4. Like momoftwo, I'm also a crybaby. I cry when I'm happy, I cry when I'm sad, sometimes I just cry for no reason at all.
5. I have a secret
6. During high school, I went out on a group date. Among those present was a guy whom I really had a big crush on. We went to McDonald's. Guess what I ordered? Chicken joy. Hehehee...probably the reason why I'm a late-bloomer.
7. What am I supposed to write about??? Ahhh, 8 random things about me.
8. See, there goes my attention span. Maybe I'll rename this tag "6 random facts about me", hehehe.
Anyway, I really had fun with this meme. Thanks momoftwo. I'm not tagging anyone this time.