Monday, October 02, 2006

The weekend that was...

I had a very uneventful weekend. The ravages of typhoon "Milenyo" were still visible all across the metropolis. I hope all of my friends and relatives are okay and weren't affected by the typhoon, except of course for the power and water interruption.

It's Monday once more and the beginning of a workweek. For some reason, I'm feeling a lot better today. Read somewhere that eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates will lessen the feeling of morning sickness. Must be the result of the oatmeal breakfast I had this morning. Note to self: I will eat oatmeals every morning from now on.

I'm sorry to all of those who commented on my previous post which were left unanswered. I actually answered them but for some reason, could not post the answers to blogspot. Don't know what's wrong. But I do appreciate all of your greetings.

My posts have become less frequent. But I'm not abandoning blogging. I consider it a very helpful therapy for me. I just hope I get into a writing mood one of these days. Anyway, that's it for now.

Tomorrow, 3 October 2006, is the deadline for submission of entries in the 2006 Yonex Sunrise Philippines National Open Badminton Championships. It's one of the premiere events in the Philippine badminton scene. For more info on this tournament and on how to join, please visit this site.


Anonymous said...

hello po...thanks for adding me up! sali po kau sa tournament? hmm, now ko lang po nabasa eh..

Rafael Garcia said...

umh, d2 na lang ako mg.reply ah! hehe..

aun, ya nga e,, lakas ng bagyo buti na lang at ngyon ay wala na! haha

umh, yea.. enjoy nman khit papano ang pagbabadminton! haha..

aun.. link-ex?


naglalaro ka rin ng badminton? hehe

ipanema said...

It's nice to know that you're feeling well. Sige, oatmeal ng oatmeal. :)

aL said...

omg! another badminton freak! i am one too! no doubt bout it =)))

finally found a place where lovers share love =p

btw, thank you very much for dropping by my site. cheers! cya!

shopgirl said...

congratulations :)

kanadians in korea said...

hey there... it was great to receive your comment on our blog. sounds like you and your husband lead quite the amazing life! how'd you stumble upon our blog? peace! emily and trenton.

Anonymous said...

hello ladybug!
oatmeal? uhhmmm yummy! kapag kaya na ng tummy mo, at nagsawa ka na sa blandness ng oatmeal, why dont you try putting bananas and /or ripe mangoes in your oatmeal...anyway, gld to hear you and hubby are safe from milenyo's wrath...ingat lagi! hugs!

Anonymous said...

Heya ladybug, glad to see you're ok after Milenyo, hehe. Take care ok?

Anonymous said...

Hey ladybug! nice to meet ya and thanks for commenting on my blogskin and also dropping by my site.. =) how cool is this, u love badminton too! anyway.. my real name is hsu ann.. ;)

Anonymous said...

oatmeal is good for cholesterol and blood pressure too...glad you found something that works for you!

ladybug said...

david edward> You're very much welcome. Hindi siguro muna ako makakasali sa tournament. Medyo mahirap maglaro ngayon dahil preggy na ako eh. I do hope you join. Makakadagdag din yan sa tournament experience mo. :-D

ladybug said...

paeng> Thanks for dropping by! :-D Sure, just give me time to fix my template, k? Yup, I used to play badminton a lot. Rest lang muna dahil preggy na eh. Will definitely resume as soon as I give birth....hahahaha. :-D

ladybug said...

ipanema> Buti nga at nakahanap ako ng cure sa morning sickness. I just belatedly read it in a book about pregnancy. Dapat dati ko pa pala naumpisahan ang pagkain nito. Anyway, better late than never. :-D

ladybug said...

al> Hahaha...yup, definitely another badminton freak! Thanks for dropping by. See ya! :-D

ladybug said...

cornflake girl> Thanks! :-D Your nice thoughts are very much appreciated.

ladybug said...

kanadians in korea> Hi there Emily and Trenton! You have such a busy and exciting life in Korea. I was just bloghopping when I came across your site. Thanks for dropping by too!

ladybug said...

annabanana> Hmmm, that's a good idea. I'll try it with bananas next time, annabanana. Hahahaha! It will be in your honor. Grabe, milenyo really brought so much devastation to Metro Manila. I hope your family here is ok too. Thanks for the nice thoughts. *hugs!*

ladybug said...

snglguy> Thanks! Glad I wasn't inside my room in the office during the storm. Bumigay nga pala yung kisame. Pero naayos naman agad. Hope the electricity and water in your area has been restored already. Hassle talaga pag walang kuryente at tubig.

ladybug said...

hsu ann> Thanks for dropping by too! The passion for badminton is one thing we do have in common. Hope you get to play it often. Good luck! :-D

ladybug said...

mita> Yup! I've come to love oatmeal especially with all its good qualities. It's really good for the heart. And it also cured my constipation....hahahahahaha! :-D

SeƱor Enrique said...

Just saying hello and to see how you're doing. This tournament seems very exciting!

I have no phone line and have to go top Internet shops to log on (this explains my sporadic appearance) ... hehehe.

Hope you feel much better :)

Anonymous said...

Ah oatmeal... sarap with chocolate and hotdog. :)

meily said...

ey!! you love badminton too??.. COOL!!! Im so freakishly looking to play one of these days. It's been like 6 months since I played. gosh!!! sooo miss badminton. so busy with school stuffs.ugh.ugh. ^_^ thanx for dropping by! link ya ayt?.. link me too! :P ingats!!

Yin Mei said...

Thanks for dropping by at my blog =)

Looking forward to seeing more of your posts especially on BADMINTON!!

have a great day

Abaniko said...

I tried eating oatmeal for several days but couldn't last. It's simply bland for me. I still long for the tastier, fatty, yummy food. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Heyx.. thanks for dropping by my blog..

Wow.. this is a realy cool site..

Anonymous said...

I hope that you are doing well Ladybug and remember to take care of yourself okay?

Well, I do hope that everything is back to normal again in Pinas after what Milenyo did. Calamity. Sigh.

Carto said...

Hey there!

Thanks for dropping by and leaving your lovely comment on my blog. Wow, another badminton addict - yippee! I've only been playing for about 2 years, but I love it so much. It helps me to forget how cruel the world is sometimes. I would also like to pass on my hearty congratulations! Oatmeal can be a bit bland, so if you can stomach it, try a small amount of dried fruit like apricats or sultanas - it's my favourite. Take care and I hope the morning sickness goes away soon! :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, totally agree that badminton is lots of fun! we are all badminton lovers:D

ladybug said...

eric> Hi there! Yup, it's really an exciting tournament. I hope you get to watch it, especially the finals round. Don't worry, madalang din naman akong mag-post. Have been busy at the office too. Hope your phone line resumes soon. Thanks for your concern. Been feeling better. Hope you're alright too after the typhoon. :-D

ladybug said...

toe> Sarap nga with hotdog! :-D Don't know about the chocolate though. Medyo hindi ako mahilig sa matamis ngayon eh.

ladybug said...

meilie> Thanks for dropping by. I love badminton too! :-D Hope you get to play soon. Ok, I'll link you up. Just give me time to do it, k. Hope to see you around! :-D

ladybug said...

yin mei> Thanks for dropping by too! :-D I'm glad to see you are also passionate about badminton. Good luck and see you around!

ladybug said...

abaniko> Kaya nga something is wrong with my taste buds eh. I used to hate oatmeal. But now, it's the only thing I can tolerate. I now hate the foods I used to love, especially tasty and saucy dishes. But I can't complain. It's good for the baby and good for my health too. Maybe you can try the flavored ones first para makagamayan mo yung lasa. :-D

ladybug said...

a f | q> Thanks for dropping by and for the nice message. :-D Hope to see you around!

ladybug said...

kyels> Thanks for your concern kyels. I'm ok and my family is doing good too especially after the recent typhoon that hit our country. Others are not as lucky though. Hope you're feeling better.

ladybug said...

carto> Thanks for dropping by too! I'm glad you also love to play badminton. It's a very addictive sport. I used to play everyday and whenever I would miss, I would have withdrawal symptoms....well, sort of. Hahahaha. Anyway, thanks for your advice. About the oatmeal, don't worry, I prefer bland food nowadays. Many people have advised me to put something in it to make it more exciting. I am definitely following all of your advice. Thanks again! Hope to see you around.

ladybug said...

nc> Thanks for dropping by! I definitely agree with you there. Hope you get to play badminton often. The important thing is to enjoy this sport. :-D

Anonymous said...


an0ther badmint0n bl0gger.

can i add y0u?


anyway, c0ngrats on the baby!


Anonymous said...

Ladybug: Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're alright. Ako naman nuon saltine/crackers ang kinakain ko to alleviate my morning sickness.

Take care.

kENz said...

hey ladybug!
Thanks for dropping by my blog , although its contents are pretty much dry :). And yups, ur right, enjoying the game is most important. Do hope you enjoy yours too!

Ken -Singapore

ladybug said...

jinaaaaa> Thanks for dropping by! Sure, let's link. Thanks for the nice words. See you around! :-D

ladybug said...

myepinoy> You're welcome. Just drink lots of fluids, k? :-D

ladybug said...

niceheart> Thanks for the tip! I'll try good old skyflakes. :-D

ladybug said...

kenz> Thanks for dropping by! I have to temporarily stop playing badminton upon doctor's orders. I really miss it a lot. I'm glad you enjoy playing it. Good luck! :-D

cheryl cheah said...

thankyou for your tag (:

chanraymond said...

Just in case you didn't see my reply, thanks again from dropping by my blog ;) Take care! Woot!

ladybug said...

fallen-gal> Hey, thanks for dropping by too! :-D

ladybug said...

ray> Thanks for dropping by also and for the nice words. Take care too! :-D

Anonymous said...

Thank God you're feelin' well now.

It's ok kahit matagalan, basta take your time at saka mag-rest ka, u need it.

ladybug said...

lani> Thank you Lani. :-D Salamat sa concern at sa advice. Sana maging masaya ang iyong weekend.

Heart of Rachel said...

hi ladybug. thanks for visiting my humble blog. it's always a treat to see new people drop by. i see that you have a passion for badminton considering that you're married to a great player. what a nice coincidence now that i'm going to begin my lessons. as you said, the most important thing is just to have fun. i'm looking forward to enjoying the sport and meeting new friends.

glad that you remained safe from the wrath of milenyo. the super typhoon really caused havoc to luzon. i hope we will not experience another storm of that magnitude.

take care and nice to meet you. i'll surely visit again.

take care.


ladybug said...

soulful_sensitivestreak> Hi rach! Thanks for dropping by too! I also hope that you weren't affected by the typhoon milenyo. I hope you enjoy playing badminton and you learn a lot from your badminton training sessions. Just in case you need any advice, just holler, ok? Have fun!